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Roulette Wheel Diagram

Play Free RouletteThe roulette wheel in a land-based casino is designed with specific respect to creating a random element around the wheel. On a European single-zero roulette wheel there are 37 numbers, 36 of which are marked as either Red or Black, and of which naturally, half are even, and half are odd. Much discussion on the nature of the spread of numbers has been discussed in roulette literature. Some say the numbers are grouped so that each section on the board adds up to approximately the same total as every other group. Since the value of the numbers in roulette have no impact on the results, you might not want to put much stock in the importance of any numbers totals.

roulette wheel diagram

Notice the basics though. On our roulette wheel diagram, red and black are split up, and each odd number is neighbored by two even numbers. In a casino there are pegs and other obstacles spread about the wheel in an effort to ensure each spin is truly random. Some have said that across from each odd number on the roulette board is the next highest even number. I have not found that to be consistently true, and I doubt that this is part of the roulette wheel manufacturing process for all companies. The logic of such placement escapes me, as I don't believe it truly adds any more of a random element to the game. If you disagree (and have a math background) I'd love to hear the logic explained.

There is little need to study a roulette wheel diagram if you are interested in playing roulette online. The random element that is calculated so carefully into the physical design of a roulette wheel is superceded by programming when it comes to online casinos. All online casinos use what is called a 'random number generator' to produce random events for the games. Each random event is mappable to a specific outcome in the game it's being applied to.

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