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Roulette Betting

Play Free RouletteRoulette offers a wide variety of bets and betting options. The process of roulette betting is not a complicated one, and fortunately, unlike craps, you are given a good length of time at the table to choose where you want to lay your money down. Two types of betting you can practice at the wheel are called the outside bets and the inside bets. You are required to play the table minimum at least on each of your outside bets; on inside roulette betting the total of all of your bets must meet or exceed the table minimum. This bit of information is all you need to know in order to delve right into some roulette betting action. Lets start by describing each bet and how/where you play it.

Roulette betting - outside bets
The outside bets on a roulette board are simply the bets that reside 'outside' of the main playing area of 38 numbers. There are no winning outside bets for 0 or 00 results. Different types of outside bets:

Red or Black - you can choose to bet on the outcome either being a red number, or a black number. Place this bet right in the area with the words 'red' or 'black' in them, which should be easy to reach from beside the table. This is a very common form of roulette betting, as it is easy to understand that you have almost half a chance of winning. People often make the bet making the incorrect assumption that if 5 blacks were spun, there is a better than 50% chance the sixth spin will be red. This is not logical and the reason why is described in more detail on our roulette system page. This bet is paid even money, meaning if you bet $5, you win $5.

Odd or Even- similar to the red black bet, this even money bet is based on whether the number will be odd or even. Since 0 does not count as either, there are 36 numbers, an even count between odd and even. Place this bet by putting your chips in the middle of the square marked 'even' or the square marked 'odd', which will usually reside on either side of the black / red betting area.

Low or high - this bet lets you predict whether you think the next number to come up will be part of the range from 1 to 18, or part of the range from 19 to 36. This is an even money bet. To place this bet put your chips in the boxes with the associated number range printed in them.

Columns - at one end of the set of 38 numbers are boxes with the words '2 to 1' written in them. Each box is part of a column of numbers (if you extend a line up the body of the inside of the betting area). If a number from within the column you are betting on comes up you win, and are paid 2 to 1.

Dozens - a bet very similar to the columns bet, dozens lets you place a bet on either the first dozen numbers (1-12), the second dozen (13-24), or the third dozen (25-36). To place this bet find the rectangular areas located in between the first outside bets (red/black, odd/even, etc) and the inside board spread. These will usually be labeled with the words 1st 12, 2nd 12, 3rd 12. The bet pays 2 to 1.

More roulette betting - The inside bets
The inside bets are made up of specific numbers or combinations of numbers within the number layout, or along the border of it. Remember, the total of all of your bets must add up to at least the table minimum.

Straight-up bet - this is the simple roulette bet. Choosing any one of the 38 numbers and putting your chips down on that number will give you a chance to win back at 35 to 1.

Split bet - you can place a single bet on two different numbers if those numbers are beside each other on the table layout. To do so put your chips down on the line between them. This bet pays 17 to 1 if either of those numbers comes up.

Street bet - This is a bet not unlike a split. It allows you to bet on three different numbers with the same bet. You can do this by placing chips on the outside of the row of numbers you want to bet on. So if you want to bet on the numbers 1, 2, and 3 all at once, put your chips down on the line that is the outside edge of the 3. This bet pays 11 to 1.

Corner bet - another combination wager, the corner bet lets you bet on four adjoining numbers. Placing your chips at the point where four numbers meet will indicate you want a corner bet. This is sometimes referred to as a square bet. If any of the four numbers come up, you're paid 8 to 1.

Five number bet - There is only one five number bet available, and as such, it's referred to as the five number bet. To make this bet place your chips at the intersection of 0 and 1 on the corner (not the corner that joins with two, but the other one). You can win if any of 0, 00, 1, 2, or 3 are hit. You are paid 6 to 1. This is the worst bet in all of roulette betting.

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