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Roulette Download

Play Free RouletteWe've scoured the net, and it looks like anything that was a good roulette download a couple of years ago has disappeared. It's actually quite difficult to find a piece of roulette software that isn't an online casino itself. We did manage to grab a couple though, and we provide them here for you. If you want a roulette download with graphics rivaling our own free roulette game, chances are you'll have to download an online casino package and just play their game for free, if they offer that option. There isn't anything wrong with this of course, just the fact that they will most likely push you to play roulette for real. Our roulette download list consists of some educational titles (intended to teach you something new about roulette or let you keep track of spins in attempts to find biased wheels, etc.) and some online casinos that have free roulette built into their packages.

Roulette Lite 1.0 | Download Here
Publisher: ABIS
File size: 2.9MB
License: Free
Minimum requirements: Windows 95/98/NT

This roulette download was designed to track the probability of number occurrences on a roulette wheel. By tracking the number of times numbers haven't come up, and tracking the occurrences of patterns on the wheel, you can check for biased wheels. Try this for an online casino or two, maybe you'll be lucky and get some surprising results.

Roulette Analyzer 4.0 | Download Here
File size: 5.1MB
License: Demo
Minimum requirements: Windows 95/98/NT
Uninstaller included?: Yes
Limitations: 10-day trial, 100-round limit
Cost: $24.95 USD

From the developer: "Roulette Analyzer is a statistical sequence analyzer for online roulette gambling. It studies the series of outcomes and can display histograms as well as histories based on color, even and odd numbers, high and low numbers, and more. Meant to be used in conjunction with Internet casinos, Roulette Analyzer has a simple and user-friendly interface that allows recording of the numbers in real time while playing. You can switch back and forth from the table view to the analyzer window and study the sequence of outcomes as you go. Roulette Analyzer aids your winning by providing advanced statistical analysis and helping you to decide on your bets."

Again, more biased wheel chasing. Their trick is limiting the trial to just less than what you might think you need to run to find any patterns.

3D Roulette 3.0 | Download Here
Publisher: Gamescape Studios
File size: 2MB
License: Shareware
Minimum requirements: Windows 3.x/NT
In the publishers words: "3D Roulette combines mathematical accuracy with colorful 24-bit-rendered 3D graphics, smooth animations, and a genuine casino atmosphere. As a true player, you'll be challenged by a surly dealer to place bets and surrender your fate to the little white ball. Betting combinations are the same as in Las Vegas and at other real-life casinos. This version includes bug fixes and updated graphics."

BFM Casino | Download Here
Publisher: BFM Software
File size: 500K
License: Shareware
Minimum requirements: SH-3 or MIPS processor, Windows CE 2.0

BFM Casino is actually a casino software suite for Windows CE devices. In the publishers words: BFM Casino is comprised of ten popular casino games, including baccarat, blackjack, craps, roulette, Keno, Caribbean poker, video poker, slot machine, and DrawAndRidePoker and LetItRidePoker. Features include support for sound and graphics, a full install program, and a compact size of 500K. This game package includes 10 popular casino games for the Windows CE H/PC platform. This is an EXE file that will install onto SH3 and MIPS H/PC's.

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