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Roulette games

Play Free RouletteThere are three distinct kinds of roulette games available online. Each have their own unique characteristics, benefits, and drawbacks. Here we take a look at each so you can quickly find the style that suits you best.

Downloadable roulette games

There exists a small selection of downloadable roulette games which are not playable for real money. These games allow you to play on your home computer for fun and entertainment, and may offer helpful things such as bankroll tracking across sessions. You'll probably want one of these if you don't spend much time online and wish to be able to play roulette on your computer without being on the Internet.

In browser roulette games

Fast becoming the most common type around, in-browser roulette games are ones which you access via a web page, and are played while you are online. They often require a browser plug-in, such as shockwave or flash. The range in quality on these types of games is rather broad. You will likely come across some which don't even follow the game rules properly. Others include bonus features such as bankroll tracking and chat. features a game with a bankroll that lasts from session to session, and built in chat so you can discuss your strategies with fellow players.

Real money roulette games

The phenomenon of Internet gaming is not slowing down any time soon, and real money roulette games are available from a variety of operators. Real money games are often accompanied by a free-play version, similar to the downloadable roulette games mentioned earlier. Bankrolls are acquired either through standard credit card transactions, or through third party banking operations such as Paypal, Firepay, or Western Union.

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