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Beat Roulette - How to win every time

Play Free RouletteThere are many system hustlers in Las Vegas right now, pushing their plans on unsuspecting gamers like ourselves. For example, I could show you how placing the red and two far columns covers almost all of the board. With this setup you're in a good position to make a hit on almost every spin. The only numbers not covered are the six blacks in the first column. The problem is, you'll end up losing more on your losing bets than you'll recover from your winning bets, in the long run.

Most systems are the same, intriguing at first, but disappointing in the long run. Systems are by far the biggest way gamblers try to beat roulette, and it is likely the worst approach. The simple mathematics behind the game must convince a large number of players that the edge is somehow subject to influence, but it is the simple math that makes it just not so.

The only way to beat roulette is to either develop a good way to cheat (read, take advantage of any unintentional casino mistakes - or develop a highly sophisticated team cheating setup) or get lucky.

Since we don't have much control over the latter variable, maybe we can look at the first. The idea of cheating a Las Vegas casino may not be on first on most people's list of favorite things to do, but everybody is a bit curious about how it could realistically be accomplished. Roulette is one of those games that gives the occasional opportunity.

The most exploitable opportunity to beat roulette by cheating the casino is to learn how to identify a dealer's signature. The idea of a dealer's signature is that the roulette dealer may become so methodical in their actions, that they throw the marble with the same intensity on each spin. Granted the intensity and spin of the marble as it leaves the dealer's hands is only one variable in many that contribute to where it comes to rest, but if it is isolated there may be a pattern that emerges. This pattern is your best bet to beat roulette.

There are a number of players worldwide who firmly believe they have encountered a dealer's signature, if only for one night. To try and identify a signature, discreetly stand in a position where you can see the ball leave the dealers hand. Take note of where it is on the wheel when it exits. Then pay attention to where to ball lands (taking note of any extremely random bouncy balls, exclude those from your experiment). Specifically try to measure how far around the wheel the ball has traveled. For each spin see if it has traveled around approximately the same amount each time. If it has you may identify a small pocket of numbers in one corner of the wheel that the dealer hits consistently, relative to where they let the marble go. Perhaps a dealer will consistently have the ball land three quarters of the way around the wheel from where it is let go. You simply watch until the dealer let the ball go, then you place bets on the group of numbers that fall that far around the wheel.

The chance to beat roulette based on a dealer's signature is a rare one, but you should keep an eye out for it, because you never know.

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